Kickstart Conversational Commerce through WhatsApp Mentorship Programme

In the era of fast-paced communication and evolving technology, harness the power of conversational commerce to elevate your business. Our comprehensive 36-hour mentorship programme is designed to equip business owners, entrepreneurs, and marketing professionals with the skills to leverage WhatsApp – the world's leading messaging app with two billion active users*.

*Data source: Statista – Most popular global mobile messenger apps


2-days Classroom & 6 sessions Mentorship

Next intake: 4 & 5 July, 1 & 2 August

This mentorship programme spans two 6-hour classroom training sessions and six 4-hour on-the-job mentoring sessions. Dive into the intricacies of conversational commerce and learn to design compelling marketing campaigns. Our hands-on approach ensures that you not only understand the theory but also gain practical experience.

Why Conversational Commerce?

Ready to Unlock the Conversational Commerce Revolution with WhatsApp?

Imagine a world where your customers reach out to you on the platform they love most, where conversations seamlessly turn into booming sales, and where building genuine relationships fuels your business growth. This is the power of Conversational Commerce through WhatsApp, and the Kickstart Conversational Commerce through WhatsApp Mentorship Programme is your key to unlocking its full potential.

Tired of fighting for attention on noisy social media platforms? WhatsApp cuts through the clutter, offering direct access to over 2 billion active users, 70% of whom open business messages within an hour! It's no wonder brands across industries are embracing this transformative approach, turning casual chats into loyal customers.

What you will learn:

Classroom Day 1

  • Understanding the future of retail landscape

Classroom Day 2

  • Learning WhatsApp usage for Business

Session 1

  • Understand the customer’s business model
  • Learn techniques for DNC data scrubbing and filtering.
  • Organize of contact lists using MiniChat Pro.
  • Understand the process to apply for Stripe payment

Session 2

  • Learn to set up a WhatsApp community and channel
  • Master importing contact lists into MiniChat Pro.
  • Comprehend the features of CRM & Inbox in MiniChat Pro.
  • Learn to plan campaigns, including content, image, and objective setting.

Session 3

  • Master creating message templates with text & media.
  • Learn to broadcast campaigns with text & images.
  • Understand the tagging features within campaigns.

Session 4

  • Refine skills in creating message templates (message flow).
  • Master broadcasting campaigns using message flow techniques.

Session 5

  • Learn to set up AI chatbots within WhatsApp.
  • Master setting up offline bots and keyword reply mechanisms.
  • Understand generating WhatsApp QR codes & links.

Session 6

  • Learn to set up the WhatsApp Business Catalogue.
  • Master integrating WhatsApp Pay with Stripe.
  • Engage in a mentorship report and feedback session.

Who should attend

  • Business Owners
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Sales & Marketing Professionals
  • Customer Services Support

Course Details


2-days Classroom, 6 sessions (4hrs) mentorship


Classroom: SIRS @ Lifelong Learning Institute, Level 8

Mentorship: 190 Middle Road, Fortune Centre #12-06 (S) 188979

Learning Outcome

  • Set up a WhatsApp Business account and optimize it for conversational commerce.
  • Develop and implement a conversational commerce strategy using WhatsApp.
  • Create engaging and personalized content that resonates with their target audience.
  • Utilize chatbot development and message automation to streamline customer interactions and enhance the shopping experience.
  • Leverage the power of community and networking to continue learning and growing their business through conversational commerce.

Course Fees

Up to 90% Training Funding for SMEs



Full Fee

S$ 5,450.00

Singapore Citizen 40 years and above¹ (90% funding)

S$ 635.00

Singapore Citizen (70% funding)

S$ 1,635.00

Singapore Citizen sponsored by SMEs² (90% funding)

S$ 635.00

Singapore PR (70% funding)

S$ 1,635.00

Singapore PR sponsored by SMEs² (90% funding)

S$ 635.00

Fees include prevailing GST
Funding Eligibility Period: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
¹ Fee is under the Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy(MCES)
² Fee is under the Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)

Register interest:


Explore tailored solutions, including WhatsApp marketing, targeted digital advertising at private condominiums, and cutting-edge digital payment terminal services. Elevate your business with personalized mentorship, ensuring sustained growth in the competitive Singaporean market.