SME Cybersecurity: 24-Hour Mentorship Program

It takes 20 years to build a business reputation and a few minutes of Cyber-Incident to ruin it!


6 session mentorship

This 24-hour SME Cybersecurity Essential Mentorship Program is designed to provide you with a practical understanding of how to protect your digital assets, manage data risks, navigate regulatory compliance, and deploy effective endpoint security solutions. The program is structured to provide you with a practical understanding of how to protect digital assets, manage data risks, navigate regulatory compliance, and deploy effective endpoint security solutions.

Over six comprehensive sessions (4-Hourly), you will dive deep into various aspects of cybersecurity – from understanding the basics and importance of cyber hygiene to mastering the art of cyber incident reporting and data recovery. The program is structured to provide you with a practical understanding of how to protect digital assets, manage data risks, navigate regulatory compliance, and deploy effective endpoint security solutions.

What you will learn:

Session 1

  • Discovering Digital Assets
  • Understanding Network Segmentation
  • Identifying Exposed Ports and Unpatched Systems
  • Assessing Vulnerabilities

Session 2

  • Incident Identification and Containment
  • Activating Response Plans
  • Conducting Forensic Analysis
  • Effective Communication and Reporting

Session 3

  • Exploring Types of Backups
  • System Restoration Techniques
  • Data Recovery Methods
  • Rebuilding Trust and Resuming Operations
  • Continuous Monitoring

Session 4

  • Understanding Singapore's Regulatory Compliances
  • Legal Requirements and Protecting Sensitive Information
  • Building Trust and Reputation
  • Risk Management and Avoiding Data Breaches
  • Gaining Competitive Advantage

Session 5

  • Comparing EDR and Anti-Virus
  • Threat Detection and Monitoring
  • Incident Response Strategies
  • Forensic Capabilities of Endpoint Protection
  • Compliance Requirements and Scalability

Session 6

  • Analyzing the Organization's Cyber Landscape Report
  • Understanding Potential Business Impacts
  • Exploring Mitigation Methods
  • Formulating Recommendations

Who should attend

  • SME Owners and Managers: To protect their businesses from cyber threats.
  • IT Professionals in SMEs: For practical cybersecurity skills and knowledge.
  • Non-IT Staff in Sensitive Roles: Like HR and finance, need cybersecurity awareness.
  • Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals: Interested in SME-focused cybersecurity practices.

Course Details


Mid July 2024 commence


6 sessions of 4 hours mentorship

Learning Modes:

1-to-1 hands on mentorship


Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand Cybersecurity Basics: Learn key principles and the importance of cyber hygiene.
  • Protect Digital Assets: Identify and secure business assets using tools like firewalls.
  • Respond to Cyber Incidents: Gain skills in incident reporting and analysis.
  • Implement Data Recovery: Understand and apply data backup and recovery techniques.
  • Navigate Compliance: Learn about cybersecurity regulations and compliance steps.
  • Manage Endpoint Security: Develop strategies for endpoint security deployment and management.

Course Fees



Full Course Fee (Inclusive GST 9%)


Singapore Citizen (70% funding) include GST


Singapore Citizen 40 years and above (90% Funding) include GST


Singapore Citizen sponsored by SMEs (90% Funding) include GST


Singapore PR (70% Funding) include GST


Singapore PR sponsored by SMEs (90% Funding) include GST


*All fees are fully payable to Singapore Institute of Retail Studies.

Fees include prevailing GST
Funding Eligibility Period: 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
¹ Fee is under the Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy(MCES)
² Fee is under the Enhanced Training Support for SMEs (ETSS)

Register interest here:


Explore tailored solutions, including WhatsApp marketing, targeted digital advertising at private condominiums, and cutting-edge digital payment terminal services. Elevate your business with personalized mentorship, ensuring sustained growth in the competitive Singaporean market.