Accelerate Your Business

1-Day Deep Dive into AI-Powered Advertising for SMEs

Empower your business with the transformative power of AI

Welcome to the "Accelerate Your Business" workshop, a one-day immersive experience designed to empower SME owners and marketing professionals with the knowledge and practical skills required to leverage AI in their advertising strategies. In this workshop, we will explore how AI can enhance creative content production, streamline campaign management, and elevate customer interactions, ultimately driving tangible business growth.

Workshop objectives

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in modern advertising, particularly for SMEs.
  • Master cutting-edge tools like ChatGPT and for creative content generation.
  • Streamline and optimize your advertising campaigns with AI-powered solutions.
  • Implement AI-driven customer interactions through MiniChat Pro.
  • Measure and optimize AI performance for continuous improvement.

Five Key Takeaways:


Strategic AI Integration: Learn how to seamlessly integrate AI into your advertising efforts, from content creation to campaign management and customer interactions.


Practical Tool Mastery: Gain hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools like ChatGPT and suite, enhancing your creativity and efficiency.


Holistic Campaign Management: Discover how AI can streamline your workflow, create effective sales funnels, and optimize video content across all customer touchpoints.


AI-Driven Customer Engagement: Master the art of using AI-powered chatbots through MiniChat Pro for superior customer service, lead generation, and personalized experiences.


Metrics & Continuous Improvement: Understand key metrics to measure AI performance and compliance, ensuring ethical usage and continuous optimization.

Lesson Plan

Session 1: Introduction to AI in Advertising

  • Overview of AI and its impact.
  • Benefits of AI for SME advertising.
  • Introduction to ChatGPT and successful AI-powered campaigns.

Session 2: Leveraging AI Tools for Creative Content

  • Using ChatGPT for brainstorming.
  • Hands-on experience with tools.
  • Training on AI-powered writing for marketing and SEO.

Session 3: Integrating AI into Sales & Marketing Campaigns

  • Overview of all-in-one solutions.
  • Building effective sales funnels.
  • Scaling campaigns through automation.

Session 4: Enhancing Customer Interaction with MiniChat Pro

  • Implementing MiniChat Pro for AI-powered interactions.
  • Hands-on training for effective chatbot management.

Session 5: Continuous Improvement and Compliance

  • Measuring and optimizing AI performance.
  • Ensuring compliance and ethical considerations.
  • Developing AI usage policies.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the role of AI in modern advertising and its benefits for SMEs.
  • Utilize advanced AI tools for creative content production.
  • Integrate AI into sales and marketing campaigns effectively.
  • Implement AI-powered customer interaction strategies.
  • Measure and optimize AI performance for continuous improvement.

Join us for a day of hands-on learning, practical insights, and the confidence to implement AI-powered advertising solutions in your SME.

Accelerate Your Business - Where AI Meets Advertising Excellence!


Explore tailored solutions, including WhatsApp marketing, targeted digital advertising at private condominiums, and cutting-edge digital payment terminal services. Elevate your business with personalized mentorship, ensuring sustained growth in the competitive Singaporean market.